
Viewpoints: Human Rights Challenges in the Field

Since we launched our Viewpoint feature in December 2019 to celebrate 25 years of Health and Human Rights, we have published 14 articles from leading health and human rights scholars. Each has reflected on the progress of our field since the launch of…

A Democracy Deficit in Digital Health?

Sara L. M. Davis, Kenechukwu Esom, Rico Gustav, Allan Maleche, and Mike Podmore In 1994, when Health and Human Rights was launched by editor Jonathan Mann, it appeared-in print-in a very different world: one in which the internet had just been…

Impunity: Undermining the Health and Human Rights Consensus

Chris Beyrer Impunity: exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action. A noun. (Oxford English Dictionary, 2019). There has perhaps always been a greater burden of unpunished human rights violations than punished…

Human Rights in Global Health Governance

Benjamin Mason Meier, Margherita Marianna Cinà, and Lawrence O. Gostin Institutions of global health governance are central to the advancement of health and human rights. Over the past 25 years, there has arisen an effort to formalize human rights…