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O'Neill Center Colloquium: The West African Ebola Epidemic

The O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, a member of the Health and Human Rights Consortium, invites you to a colloquium event:  The West African Ebola Epidemic: How Can It Be Contained and How Can We Prevent the Next…

Times Review: Lawrence Gostin's "Global Health Law"

HHR contributor Juliet Sorensen reviews Lawrence O. Gostin’s Global Health Law in today’s Times Higher Education. Gostin is on the steering committee for the recently launched Framework Convention on Global Health, and is an…

Platform for a Framework Convention on Global Health

By editorial intern Laura Faas A new website devoted to the Framework Convention on Global Health is intended to “facilitate engagement, advocacy, and support from people across the world for adopting and implementing a Framework Convention on Global…

MDG4 Lessons Could Save More Children’s Lives After 2015

By Carmel Williams, Executive Editor, Health and Human Rights Journal If human rights-based approaches to child health had informed the Millennium Development Goal addressing child survival, the already impressive reduction in child mortality since…