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The Caregivers' Disease

By Health and Human Rights communications assistant Gabrielle Tyson In an article published in the May 21 edition of The London Review of Books, Health and Human Rights Journal editor-in-chief, Paul Farmer, illuminates the…

NGO Collaboration Seeks Greater Accountability in the SDGs

By Health and Human Rights communications assistant Gabrielle Tyson The Post-2015 Development Agenda is under way and while many of the new Sustainable Development Goals will likely remain the same as for the MDGs, there is a need for a more…

Book Brief: The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide

The Right to Health at the Public/Private Divide Colleen M. Flood and Aeyal Gross Cambridge University Press, 2014 ISBN 9781107038301 492 pages $120 By Health and Human Rights communications assistant Gabrielle Tyson Published April 7,…

Paul Hunt’s TED Talk: Do Human Rights Work?

Paul Hunt, the first Special Rapporteur on the right to health, and guest editor of the forthcoming December 2015 issue of Health and Human Rights Journal, takes his TED audience on a journey to question the validity of his young son’s observation that…