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SDGs, Accountability, and the Right to Health: A New Series

SDG Goals Carmel Williams  Accountability is a vital aspect of human rights. Without it, fundamental principles of human rights, including participation and transparency, are denied. With accountability comes trust—trust that duty bearers’…

After Paris: hope and fears for justice and a healthy climate

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (second left); Christiana Figueres (left); Laurent Fabius (second right) and François Hollande (right) celebrate after the historic adoption of Paris Agreement on climate change. Alison Blaiklock  During the long…

COP21 SERIES: Climate change, COP21, and the right to health

Introduction by Mary Robinson I am delighted to welcome and launch this Health and Human Rights Journal series on climate change, COP21 and the right to health. The initiative is timely; on Monday October 19, 2015, climate negotiators will reconvene…