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Want “Good Pharma?” One Example of What That May Look Like

Fran Quigley The long list of complaints about the current system of medicine access and pharmacological research is well-known and well-documented, including in the Health and Human Rights Journal. Those complaints start with patients facing…

Will Africa’s New Scorecard Promote Universal Health Coverage?

By Sharifah Sekalala They say, ‘that what gets measured gets done!’1 On 26 August 2016 all 54 African leaders agreed to create a scorecard on Domestic Financing for Health. This scorecard will collate and publish data from all African countries on…

Achieving Healthy People as if Black Lives Matter

David Line and Allen Line This summer has intensified the discussion in the United States about “Black Lives Matter”. This motto and movement became more prominent after the shooting of a Black man in Ferguson, Missouri, in July…

UN Report Adds to Momentum for Medicines Reform

By Fran Quigley The United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Access to Medicines has issued its widely anticipated report. Previously in this space, I had expressed optimism about the likely substance of the panel’s likely findings. I…

To Choose Peace is to Choose Health

Donna Perry, Christian Guillermet Fernández, and David Fernández Puyana The Declaration on the Right to Peace was adopted by the UN Human Rights Council on 1 July 2016. Ambassador Christian Guillermet of Costa Rica had led the three years of work in…