Volume 3, Issue 2, 1998

Special Focus: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Edited by the Consortium for Health and Human Rights

This issue of the Journal is dedicated to Jonathan Mann 1947-1998

       Sofia Gruskin


       Writing Group for the Consortium for Health and Human Rights


       Kofi A. Annan

       Gro Harlem Brundtland

       Mary Robinson

The Articles of the UDHR

       Jonathan Mann

       Christian Pross

       Ingar Brueggemann and Karen Newman

       James Welsh

       Dorothy Logie and Michael Rowson

       Vincent Iacopino and Zohra Rasekh

       Victor W. Sidel

Thematic Analyses

       Richard Pierre Claude and Bernardo W. Issel

       Hurst Hannum

       Leonard Rubenstein and Leslie London
