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Archive: 2022

Power, Privacy, and the People at the AIDS 2022 Conference

Sara (Meg) Davis The International AIDS Conference is a biennial litmus test for the global HIV response: a moment to celebrate progress in research and practice, forge new connections and reconnect with allies. Human rights has long been a central…

Roe Overturned: Lessons from Latin America

Andrés Constantin and Maia Levy Daniel A few years ago, Belén ended up in jail after being admitted to a hospital in Argentina for suffering a miscarriage.[1] Within hours, she was surrounded by the police and accused of having induced an abortion,…

Reparations for Harms Experienced in Residential Aged Care

Volume 24/2, December 2022, pp. 71-83 |  PDF Linda Steele and Kate Swaffer Abstract This paper explores the possibility of reparations for harms suffered by people in residential aged care, focusing on experiences of people with dementia.…