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Archive: Apr 2020

Contact Tracing Apps: Extra Risks for Women and Marginalized Groups

Sara L.M. Davis The COVID-19 lockdown has proven economically devastating, and to enable people to move freely and start national economies moving also, many governments are exploring digital contact tracing. Mobile phone apps that track individual…

COVID-19 Economy vs Human Rights: A Misleading Dichotomy

Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. In a rapidly evolving situation, states are trying—with different levels of commitment and effectiveness—to curb the progress of…

Gaol Fever: What COVID-19 Tells us about the War on Drugs

Rick Lines, Naomi Burke-Shyne, and Giada Girelli “In every situation, where a number of people are crowded together, whether in ships, hospitals, or prisons, unless the strictest attention be paid to cleanliness, and to a free ventilation or…

COVID-19: Restricted Internet Impacts on Health in Kashmir

Adi Radhakrishnan Since December 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has commanded the world’s attention and the international community, civil society, and governments have collaborated on information dissemination campaigns to mitigate its impact. Past…