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Archive: 2016

Panama Papers, Human Rights and Health: What are the Links?

Khadija Sharife When it comes to health, data matter: it can tell us when, where, and how global health is affected, for better or worse. But not only is some important data hard to access, it is rarely analyzed in a way that can truly provide us with…

Essential Medicines in National Constitutions: Progress Since 2008

S. Katrina Perehudoff, Brigit Toebes, and Hans Hogerzeil Health and Human Rights 18/1 Published June 2016 Abstract A constitutional guarantee of access to essential medicines has been identified as an important indicator of government commitment…

Using a Human Rights Accountability Framework to Respond to Zika

Image Credit: James Gathany/CDC By Beatriz Galli and Christine Ricardo Like other mosquito-borne viruses, Zika thrives in areas with substandard sanitation and infrastructure—which are directly linked to state failures to ensure the basic human…