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Archive: 2016

Human Rights Law and Abortion in El Salvador

Alia Januwalla Congratulations to Alia Januwalla – this essay is a winner in the Harvard FXB Health and Human Rights Consortium Student Essay Competition 2016. Alia Januwalla, MPH, is a student of Health Promotion at the Dalla Lana School of…

To Choose Peace is to Choose Health

Donna Perry, Christian Guillermet Fernández, and David Fernández Puyana The Declaration on the Right to Peace was adopted by the UN Human Rights Council on 1 July 2016. Ambassador Christian Guillermet of Costa Rica had led the three years of work in…

NHS ruling addresses inequality in access to medicines

By Sharifah Sekalala This week was a momentous week in the continuing fight against AIDS in the UK. The National Aids Trust vs NHS England opens the way to providing preventive treatment for men who have sex with men (MSM) and sex workers at risk of…