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Archive: 2016

HIV and the Right to Health in Colombia

Corey Prachniak-Rincón and Jimena Villar de Onís Congratulations to Corey Prachniak-Rincón and Jimena Villar de Onís – this peer-reviewed full paper is a winner in the Harvard FXB Health and Human Rights Consortium Student Essay Competition…

Achieving Healthy People as if Black Lives Matter

David Line and Allen Line This summer has intensified the discussion in the United States about “Black Lives Matter”. This motto and movement became more prominent after the shooting of a Black man in Ferguson, Missouri, in July…

UN Report Adds to Momentum for Medicines Reform

By Fran Quigley The United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Access to Medicines has issued its widely anticipated report. Previously in this space, I had expressed optimism about the likely substance of the panel’s likely findings. I…