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Archive: 2015

Pope Francis Condemns Weapons Industry

By Antonia Chan  The weapons industry is proverbially up in arms over Pope Francis’s recent declaration that weapons manufacturers—and their investors —are hypocrites if they call themselves Christian. At a rally in Turin, Italy, he noted that…

Book Brief: Routledge Handbook of Global Public Health in Asia

Routledge Handbook of Global Public Health in Asia Siân M. Griffiths, Jin Ling Tang, Eng Kiong Yeoh, Editors Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014 ISBN 978-0-4156-4382-5 786 pages $225 By Kai Chen The Routledge Handbook of Global…

California and Mexico Collaborate to Halt Tuberculosis Outbreak

By Antonia Chan Public health officials from California’s San Diego and Imperial counties have signed a deal with the Mexican state of Baja California, as well as the nonprofits International Community Foundation and Puentes de Esperanza Contra…

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Access to Medicines

Fran Quigley Representatives of Pacific Rim nations are negotiating a trade agreement that could negatively impact the health of millions. But the high-profile discussion about the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) also presents an…