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Archive: 2014

Abstract - Daoud

Depressive Symptoms Among Arab Bedouin Women Whose Houses are Under Threat of Demolition in Southern Israel: A Right to Housing Issue Housing is a fundamental human right and a social determinant of health. According to international law, indigenous…

Abstract - McAllister

Women, E-Waste, and Technological Solutions to Climate Change In this paper, we argue that a crossover class of climate change solutions (which we term “technological solutions”) may disproportionately and adversely impact some populations over…

Abstract - Glowa-Kollisch

Data-Driven Human Rights: Using the Electronic Health Record to Promote Human Rights in Jail The electronic health record (EHR) is a commonplace innovation designed to promote efficiency, quality and continuity of health services. In the New York City…

Abstract - Davis

Human Rights and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria In recent years, multilateral and bilateral donors have begun engaging more actively in assessment and management of human rights risks that can either impact, or…

Abstract - Chapman

The Impact of Reliance on Private Sector Health Services on the Right to Health A human rights approach is predicated on the responsibility of states to design health systems and implement health policies that are consistent with human rights…

Abstract - Sheffield

Emerging Roles of Health Care Providers to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts: A Perspective from East Harlem, New York Professional associations of health care workers are issuing policy statements on climate change and health with greater frequency,…