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Archive: 2013

Intersection 4: Building health and human rights into communities

Health and Human Rights 13/1 Published June 2011 The importance of creating a “culture of human rights” at the community level is typically discussed in relation to warfare and other forms of official violence. Only rarely do health and other key social…

Intersection 2: Non-communicable diseases and global health equity

Health and Human Rights 13/1 Published June 2011 As recently as 1990, most illness worldwide was attributed to pneumonia, diarrheal disease, and perinatal infection. It is now recognized that by 2020, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) will be responsible…

Editorial: Intersections of health and human rights

Health and Human Rights 13/1 Published June 2011   Shortly before his death, Jonathan Mann, the founding editor of this journal, imagined its major fields of inquiry as two perpendicular axes describing different dimensions of human well-being. The…

Recent health and human rights literature

Children’s socio-economic rights, democracy and the courts. Aoife Nolan. Hart Publishing, 2011. ISBN 978-1841137698 (hardcover). 336 pages. $110. Aoife Nolan addresses a crucial and underdeveloped topic in the literature of human rights law: the…