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Archive: 2011

Ending violence against women: A public health imperative

By Amanda Klasing Women’s Rights Division, Human Rights Watch Sixteen-year-old Florence was an orphan doing domestic work when the January 2010 earthquake hit Haiti. She moved with the family she worked for to a displacement camp, where her…

Book Brief: A Plague of Prisons

Ernest Drucker The New Press, September 2011 ISBN 978-1-59558-497-7 240 pages $26.95 Reviwed by HHR editorial assistant Judith Fitzpatrick Ernest Drucker’s A Plague of Prisons: The Epidemiology of Mass Incarceration in America analyzes a pressing social…

Chronic zinc deficiency among children in Andean region

Children in Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia suffer from chronic zinc deficiency, says Dr. Fernando SempĂ©rtegui, leader of several landmark studies on the effects of zinc deficiency. He tells IPS that the deficiency “is related to chronic infections like…